Nurturing Your creativity when life Distracts you

Your creativity is a soul gift. You can work with it or shut it out. I stuffed my creative nudges for many years. Ideas for books, businesses, art, got put to the back of my mind while I did what I thought was ‘supposed’ to be doing.

Through a lot of personal work and exploration, I am finally in a place to honor my creativity and my imagination. I thought for so long that my imagination was getting in my way. And it was with the part of my ego that said my life is supposed to look a certain way.

If you feel that you’ve thrown your creative nudges out with the bathwater, there are a few things you can do to nurture your creativity.

Before I go any further, if the word creativity triggers a certain feeling or thought for you, can you identify with your imagination? You were born with imagination and it’s not a frivolous thing.

Consider how your creativity shows up and what your imagination offers you. Do you have a feeling about a topic? See visuals in your minds-eye? Are you clairaudient where words and sounds pop into your mind?

You can honor your creative energy and nudges in several ways. As you do this, you’ll discover more ways to expand your creative energy.

  1. Keep an idea journal.

  2. Journal every morning like Julia Cameron of The Artist’s Way recommends.

  3. Identify your favorite way to express yourself. Is it writing, drawing, using clay, making music? You can write or draw ten minutes a day for a practice to expand your creative energy.

  4. Ask yourself how you best work out ideas when you have them. I’ve learned that I come up with solutions faster when I talk about them out loud. Otherwise, I spin in my mind way too long. Sometimes, I’ll go for a walk and use my phone to record my thoughts.

Whatever you do, find ways to nurture your creative energy. You’ll bring more of the ideas that you imagine to life.


Audio: The Calm Within